Pownal Street Press is a hybrid publisher, which is a term that you might be unfamiliar with. Hybrid publishing combines elements of traditional publishing and self-publishing. First, authors come to us to create their dream works. To do this, authors contribute financially to the publishing process, in exchange for various services, such as editing, design, and distribution.
The hybrid model offers more author involvement and potentially higher royalties, and often creates a good fit for busy people who want to publish books, while maintaining their professional careers, busy family lives, and more.
Pownal Street Press publishes non-fiction and children’s picture books. We follow industry standards and have an application process for the books we publish.
Regardless of whether or not you’ve had your work published before the publishing process can seem a bit daunting. At Pownal Street Press, this process is divided into seven stages.
Here’s a simplified walk-through of bringing a book to life:
Manuscript Development: To begin, authors embark on the creative process to write and edit their manuscripts.
Editorial: This is where the editorial team at Pownal Street starts working with you to refine your content. There are three stages of editorial at PSP: developmental or structural, copyediting, and proofreading.
Design: Our book designers create your layout, cover, and typesetting that works best for your book. Format, trim size and text treatments are all determined to best fit the type of book you’ve written.
Proofreading: Once the type and images are laid out, proofreading begins. Final checks involve consistency in spelling, style and punctuation.
Printing: Next, comes printing! Once all the other steps have been completed, the design files are sent to a printing press to produce physical copies.
Book Release: Depending on your publishing goals your book can be distributed in different ways. Whether it’s through PSP trade distribution, print on demand or direct sales, PSP can help.
Marketing: Promotional efforts, including book tours, advertising, social media campaigns, and reviews, help create buzz and drive sales.
Throughout these steps, authors, publishers, editors, designers, distributors, and marketers work together to ensure a book’s successful publication and distribution.
Our team is small but mighty! We also work closely with our trade distributors and our literary publicists to give you the best advantage on store placement and media positioning in the marketplace.
To learn more about Pownal Street Press, visit www.pownalstreetpress.com.